Friday, February 7, 2020


STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION AND CHANGES - Essay Example Realization of the objectives is the benchmark for assessment, making it a routine for the management to employ creative strategies for effective achievement of the objectives. Implementation becomes a nightmare for many companies where commitment, assessment and review become distinct parameters without coordination and synergy, always frustrating initially vibrant ideas. Suitability studies are carried out alongside feasibility as well as acceptability levels, in order to ascertain its applicability in the specific area of interest. For efficiency in management and delivery of results in as far as policies are concerned, strategic planning is usually the solution. The specific areas of action are identified and appropriate solutions projected are brought out for implementation. The conversion of intentions into desired actions goes hand in hand with tackling of the factors that hinder the implementation of the strategies in efficient management. Leadership and management skills are the key solutions to strategic management, where each set of skills complement realization of objectives. Leadership skills offer one portion of the puzzle while management skills offer the other. Mintzberg’s model of management provides that strategic management goes farther than the mere formulation of strategic policies. A clear articulation of the mission, goals and objectives goes hand in hand with the successful implementation of the strategic plan. Prior plans are therefore put in place for the necessary implementation approach, since formulation and effective action are different things in strategic management. The identification of the mission, vision and goals of the organization before the specific strategy formulation usually addresses the real management problems in advance. Lamb (1994, p.ix) states that strategic management is a continuous process that requires frequent review and change to keep up with the pace in the market. The ever changing business environment

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